Adult Sunday School Classes

Below is a list of the 6 classes for adults, with their locations. If you have questions about these classes, please see an usher/greeter and they will help you find a class.

  • Discovery class

    This is a class of diverse women ranging in age from 45-85, and includes some who are still working and others that are retired. They study the Methodist Quarterly. Questions and discussion are all pat of the morning session. You are invited to check them out. This class is located at the end of the children's hall on the right.

  • Inquirers Class

    This group of Senior Adults has lessons from the Methodist quarterly with 4 rotating teachers. They have a cozy, friendly and comfortable atmosphere in their class, which is located in the hallway behind the kitchen. All are welcome!

  • journey Class

    This class has joined with the New Victory Class. They meet in the class room behind the kitchen.

  • Joy Class


    This class is the oldest class at Calvary and has around 40 members with a median age of 65-75. This class has rotating teachers who teach from popular study books and the Methodist quarterly. This class is very involved in the leadership of the church and with community service organizations. They welcome all visitors and encourage them to become a member of their loving and nurturing group.

    This class is located in the front hallway next to the office.

  • New Victory Class

    The New Victory Class welcomes all adults. They are a group that is very involved with the local church activities and community service groups. Their lessons come from different study series including James Moore and Adam Hamilton. This class is located in the hallway behind the kitchen and next to the choir room.

  • Wesleyan Class

    The Wesleyan Class has approximately 25 members, many of whom are retirees from a variety of careers. The class is currently studying the Methodist quarterly lessons. The atmosphere is relaxed, informal, and welcoming, and we would love for people to visit and ultimately join us in our joyful fellowship and earnest study of the Bible. This class is located at the end of the children's hallway.